Friday, June 27, 2014

A question of Faith

Sometimes I feel like I may be a “whiner”. Each time I write on a different subject, I always seem to be saying…

 “This is the WORST thing that happened during my “psychological captivity”.

As I go through this process, I have started to recognize just HOW much this captivity, and my refusal to deal with it, has damaged my children and me. Each aspect was awful and they ALL seem devastatingly so now. So please excuse my repetition of this phrase…

One type of abuse that I had nearly TOTALLY failed to consider until very recently was the SPIRITUAL abuse. I suppose this is because I figure that I am an adult woman. My Faith in a Higher Purpose was already ingrained prior to meeting my captor.  It is normal that my Faith will be tested and may ebb…as this is just LIFE. I always KNEW that I had been given a firm footing and that my Faith would return to me.

What I FAILED to consider was that this was not true for my CHILDREN!

My Mother was deeply religious…flawed, just as we all are, but her FAITH was always present and unwavering.

For those who are not religious…I am not speaking of RELIGION. I am speaking of FAITH, wherever you may choose to place it.
  •           Faith in God
  • ·         Faith in a Higher Power
  • ·         Faith in the Universe
  • ·         Faith in Jah
  • ·         Faith in the Human Race
  • ·         Faith in Karma
  • ·         Faith in YOURSELF

It does not matter WHERE you place your FAITH…Only that you have something to place your FAITH IN!

During my captivity…I began to place MY faith in my captor. Within just a few years that transition was complete. My faith in all other things was swept aside…even my faith in ME. I began to see HIM as the center of my universe. As I examine my magical thinking, and the delusions I HAD which resulted from this, it now seems pretty lame. As my faith in THESE ILLUSIONS began to wane over the past 5 years or so…I was truly FLOUNDERING! 

I had FAITH in NOTHING ELSE to sustain me. I had SO COMPLETELY placed my FAITH in this “tin God” that I had no faith in anything else…so when my faith in him was shaken…I stood ALONE. My life became pointless and useless and petty and worthless. I began to see myself as SO COSMICALLY INSIGNIFICANT that, had I been prone to thought of suicide…that may have seemed like the best option.

Thankfully, My “Mr. Spock” often has thoughts of the illogical nature of suicide.
“So…you die and you have no more problems…but you are dead and cannot enjoy this “Problem Free” state so what is the POINT?!?”

If I was depending upon my faith in GOD to help me…that would have been bad…as I did not feel any. My God was telling me I was insane, could not trust myself, damaged beyond repair, insufficient, unworthy, defective, useless…My GOD was my Captor.

Suicide would also be a very SELFISH act…I could never do that to my family and children.

So, instead, I walked around as a Zombie. I went through my day to day life in a state of numb, resolute, fugue. My only emotion was anger and even that appeared only in dealing with “outside” issues, such as employment. At home…I simply closed my eyes and forged ahead blindly. I felt totally HOPELESS and OUT OF CONTROL…Empty and drained.

THIS I did to MYSELF! I CHOSE to put my faith in this pompous little windbag captor!

My CHILDREN…however…had no such CHOICE. I CHOSE for them as well. Of that I am ashamed and the consequences that are being paid by those children are awful.

I cannot UNDO this…I cannot reverse time! If I BALK TOO MUCH at it now…I, once again, will appear to be a fanatic, a vindictive Bitch, a mental defective, a liar and a hypocrite.

NOW I MUST WORK SLOWLY to help my children to restore their own faith, or to FIND their FAITH, in SOMETHING! I know that I cannot CHOOSE what they will put their faith IN. 

At this point, as I see it, one seems to have his faith based in HIMSELF and his intelligence…one has his FAITH based in the universe and Karma, one has his faith based in the overall existence of good people and the human race and the last (the one that worries me MOST) still has his faith based in the CAPTOR.

NONE of them profess a belief in GOD, at all. How can I blame them…I have modeled NO SUCH FAITH for them.

Now the work begins in leading my children to find faith in SOMETHING…ANYTHING!

But it must be something in which faith has a chance of being deserved. At least three, of the four, have SOME CHANCE of having faith in something that is possible. The fourth is headed for a big FALL.

Because of all things he might have had faith in…he has selected the ONE thing that is BOUND, without a shadow of a doubt, to prove UNWORTHY of that FAITH.

It really hurts me to see that…and I feel guilt and shame for my part in it…


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I'm one year free from my abuser of 15 years. I was an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous from 1996 until 2010. When you mention spiritual abuse I know exactly what you mean. At the time, while going through the steps, I didn't understand what "spiritually harmed" meant. It became so very clear to me immediately following my discard. Thank God for the tools I was given in AA! That is what initially saved my life. And thank you for sharing your experience

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share yours as well!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I spent over 18 years with my abuser. Fortunately my kids can not stand him. Thy want nothing to do with him and have not seen him for 2 years. Still though, the kids suffer because my ex constantly finds ways to mess with us. Currently my ex doesn't wish to give up the small investment money that was supposed to go to each daughter once they reach college. My ex wants to blackmail me instead by having his lawyer send me paper stating I can have the small investment if I agree to cut off support for both daughters.

    1. Sadly, I do NOT find that hard to believe. They make quite a show of loving their children...but their actions speak the TRUTH! It is truly a shame that people cannot see them for what they really are! Thanks for sharing your story with me!
