Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Fears

Another venue of torture the N liked to use on everyone else is the subject of FEARS. He made it his BUSINESS to know the worst fears of any and all people he contacted and then used those fears to torment them.

Most of us have some type of fear that may, or may not, seem unreasonable to other people. With me, it is rats. I have no clue why...but I have literally threatened to move out of a house if I thought there was a rat inside. I am not afraid of lizards, frogs or snakes...I am not even dreadfully afraid of spiders...but RATS...that's a different story.

We had a back door to our bedroom which led out to a large yard full of fruit trees...there were ALWAYS rats out there at night. That was a given. Night after night I would beg that the door be left closed at night so they would not come into the house...but for some inexplicable reason, that door always seemed to find its way open during the night. 

We lived in Florida. It was not a matter of temperature as the WINDOWS were never open...just the door. I was terrified to fall asleep at night. I knew I would wake up with a rat on my bed. He just laughed at me. I lived in fear in my own home for years.

With my two older sons it was spiders. We are not talking "Eeek! A spider!"...we are talking a true FEAR that paralyzed them and left them unable to function. Over the years the narc tormented them with everything from rubber spiders to tarantula sheds to ACTUAL tarantulas which he would throw on them. He found that so FUNNY!

I have seen one of my twins REPEATEDLY brought to tears because he was called a COWARD and a PUSSY because he does not like roller coasters. He NOW hates amusement parks...gee...I wonder WHY? It was the same thing every time. The ONLY one who has fun is the Narc as he torments and tortures his little "play things".

Funny thing is...the ONLY fear that the Narc considered worthy of respect was HIS fear. He had claustrophobia you see. I have seen that grown man beg me to hold his hand and literally CRY when we got stuck in a roller coaster and he was strapped in. This happened on much more than one occasion.

Near the end, when he began to say how stupid our fears were and how illogical we were and how ridiculous...when he started to torture us...I started to tell him that I would be quite happy to lock him in a closet for a few hours and I would GUARANTEE that nothing would happen to him in there. Somehow he declined.

He could not have even looked at the picture above without beginning to panic.

Just a false, little, self proclaimed, God who has no respect for others and too much for himself. He does not even deserve his OWN respect. But he expects everyone to respect him. It is truly amazing.

I hope that one day he gets stuck in an elevator alone for a few hours. Might not teach him anything but at least he would see what his "fun" feels like from the other side.

So, in case the narc is reading this, I post the above picture just for you!

Guess I am feeling angry kidding right? I can't believe I EVER felt an ounce of respect for that man. None left now....and our children are also beginning to see what he is. I don't need to tell them...they are seeing it. 

Starting to close in now isn't it? 

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