Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Case Study for the Creation of P/S/N (Part 3- The REAL story)

Enter a third party...with a modicum of common sense and curiosity and ...uh oh!...the status quo was broken.

Seeing this strange interaction, hearing the family stories and putting two and two began to become apparent that something did not add up.

When Jim was about 35 years old, based on the intervention of this "third party" it came to light that Jim was NOT the son of Bruce senior at all. He was born as a result of an affair that Peggy had with a married man. When she became pregnant...her FATHER selected Bruce Sr and TOLD Peggy that she WOULD marry him. He adopted Jim and raised him as his own...and by all accounts he kept this promise and did not treat his two sons any differently.

This conclusion was not difficult to come to and by the age of 16, I am quite sure that any reasonably intelligent person, given the available evidence, would have figured this out on their own. 

Jim did not. You see, he was taught long ago that you must just simply ACCEPT what you are told without question. He would NEVER have dared to ask Peggy any questions because he knew of the wrath that this would unleash. So, even into adulthood, he simply lived his life with an appalling lack of awareness or curiosity and based his beliefs on what he was told was the truth by Peggy.

In finding out that his entire life had been a lie, he was minorly upset but not really angry or enraged. He was also taught, long ago that there was nothing that Peggy could matter how wrong...that was not excusable and done for a "valid reason". She was unquestionable...above angry and dangerous God with power that could not be challenged.

He never grew up, he never separated  he never came to the conclusion that she was not God. He remained, and remains, terrified of her and deep inside, he still sees her as that all seeing eye...that deity...that fearsome monster that he had no power to fight. 

He is an eternal child puppet of an overbearing and damaged, miserable and demented woman...and now he sees it as his job to create some puppets of his own. Someone that he will be the deity for. HE is now the deity...and nothing he matter how not excusable and done for a "valid reason". He is unquestionable...above angry and dangerous God with power that can not be challenged.,,and he is willing to do ANYTHING, no matter how brutal, to maintain that illusion.

From the beginning, this was the plan and he will do whatever it takes to make that create the NEXT generation of "monsters".

Bruce Jr...on the other hand...long ago determined that he did not want to be a Father. He has stated that he thinks this is an awful world and it is cruel to bring children into it. Deep down I believe he is afraid that his children might be like his family...more monsters. He just could not stand to think he could be a party to he stopped the spread on his end.

He knows the damage he has sustained and has seen the damage it does to everyone it touches. He is an unhappy man with a million reasons to be unhappy.

So, the cycle continues. Generation after generation. Ruined life after ruined life...courtesy of these monsters with no empathy, no conscientious and it seems, no soul.

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