Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Getting started...again

Well...I have been resting up for the past 2 days from the past year of constant emotional harassment and obsessive worry.

It is time to get started again!

Time to start getting rid of...burning....trashing and annihilating the old life of control and torture...and beginning life anew for my children and me.

We have 18 years worth of "stuff" in this house, gathered up by a "quasi-hoarder" (me) and a person who thinks that they must retain anything they have ever touched (King Midas)...that must be sorted, disposed of, packed, sold and, for the most part, given away.

Despite the fact that he already has, in his possession, more than 50% of our marital assets....he will be coming to take another list of items that were included in the divorce settlement. These items, and ONLY these EXACTLY listed items will be waiting for him.

Anything else I find that belongs to him...or that he THINKS belongs to now mine according to court documents. These will be disposed of accordingly.

Time to COMPLETELY get rid of the old and start looking for a new home for my children. It may take a while to find something suitable. If I find something suitable we will be out of here. I am already walking away from NEARLY if I must walk away from the equity in this house...and let it go to be it.

Perhaps he will take over making the mortgage payments. If so, I will still get my half of the equity as I must sign in order for this house to be sold. He cannot retain my portion. He can take me to court for not paying the mortgage...but the judge will look at my financials and see that I CANNOT pay both rent and mortgage and the stability of my children comes first. He will be wasting money as you cannot get blood from a turnip!

Funny how that works!

If I find a suitable place, I will not chance losing it by waiting for this house to sell. I will pull out the insurance money I have paid for the year and he can take over. That's what he wanted right? The mortgage company, of course, will have to be informed of the fact that the house is sitting empty and that it is uninsured....they will add high cost pool insurance to the mortgage...which will, once again, fall on him. I will walk away from this house. Too many bad memories here and the kids, although they wanted to stay, need to be stabilized and settled in a place they know will not be ripped out from under them.

Time to take action!

I have my life back....replete with two very angry sons, six Chihuahuas, a macaw and a disable coati mundi who cannot come with us and will have to be euthanized. Out with the old and in with the new.

God will show me the way to go...of that I am certain.

My family has been there for us and that is something NO ONE can ever take from my children or from me...and something that he does not have to offer them.

They have seen his family...they are aware of the relationships there... and they are uninterested in joining that group of users, abusers and fair weather allies that turn on each other at the drop of a hat. They may have his last name...but they have SHINGLETON family blood.

They are NOTHING like that other group and do not wish to be involved in it. Forcing the issue will only result in further alienating them as they have SEEN, with their own EYES...and are WAY too perceptive to be fooled by the lies and the cons any longer.

I am raising some AWESOME kids!


  1. Thanks for sharing your story :)

  2. Strength....Did you suffer PTSD???

    1. I believe I already had PTSD, but it got very bad near the end. Like trying to rest in a war zone.
